Show Rules
All entries must be original two-dimension fine art painted or drawn independently by the artist from life or from his/her own photo reference or from unpublished photographs with prior permission of the photographer. Under no circumstances is artwork created in a workshop, classroom or under supervision of an art instructor to be entered into a juried competition. This is left to the discretion and honor of each artist.
All artwork must be properly framed with screw eyes and wire. For the safety and well-being of the artwork and patrons, no sawtooth hangers will be accepted.
Oil paintings must be thoroughly dry.
An official JAG entry form must be completed for each event and all applicable fees must be paid at the time of submission.
Because of the public nature of JAG venues, unless otherwise stated in specific show rules, no nudes or suggestive art will be accepted.
To reduce risk of damage to the paintings, only members of the hanging committee will be allowed to handle the artwork.
No work accepted for a JAG exhibition may be withdrawn prior to close of the exhibition unless otherwise stated in the individual show rules.
Violation of any of the foregoing rules will result in an artist being barred from hanging in JAG exhibitions for a period of one year from the offense.